Sexually transmitted diseases can be very dangerous, and very frequently it is difficult to notice at time that you have one. For that reason, we are going to show you what are the characteristics and the symptoms of the most common sexually transmitted diseases
Human papilloma virus is definitely the most common disease, and a person can get it during vaginal, anal or oral sex. Even though it is not that dangerous, HPV can influence the formation of cancer of the cervix, penis or mouth. Knowing that HPV can get both, man and woman, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately when you notice any unusual lumps on the penis, anus or the vagina.
Mostly, it is spread through the young people, and very frequently a person can be infected without even knowing that since there are no symptoms. However, there are some symptoms that you may notice, for example, burning sensation when urinating, and enhanced discharge from the penis or the vagina. Good news is that chlamydia can be completely treated by taking antibiotics for one week.
If you get these bacteria once, you are infected for your whole life. Herpes can affect your health for a lifetime, since the virus can cause frequent eye infections, and in persons with weaker immunity can damage the spinal cord and the brain. It appears in the form of bubbles that are filled with fluid, and is highly contagious.