Can Mobile Phones Be The Cause Of A Lowered Sperm Count?

It’s incredible to imagine how quickly technology has allowed us I connect to each other. These days you’re just a button press away from seeing and speaking with just about anyone you want, but it wasn’t too long ago that you’d have to hope they had a home phone at all and cell phones were barely a thought. Even still it’s only been the past fifteen years or so that cell phones started seeing more popular everyday use, but with the good comes the bad and a recent review took the findings from 27 different studies to see what the effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation from the devices were on the sperm count of men. They wanted to know whether or not cell phones were actually bad to keep in your pockets or not, and what they learned will surprise you!

Researchers from the University of Newcastle discovered that of those 27 studies 21 of them showed signs of decreased sperm motility/viability and showed signs of damage to the DNA. So with the evidence mounting against mobile devices they continued on in their study, only to discover it wasn’t necessarily the radiation from the phone causing this issue, but the heat emitted was actually “cooking” the sperm right in their… home. Sperm cells are ridiculously sensitive to heat, so maybe more men need to be paying attention to how much heat a device puts off. I guess that makes the whole Galaxy Note 7 fiasco somewhat of a blessing, as people will definitely be paying more attention to the heat level of their phones from now on…
Sperm cells are sensitive to heat, so any added heat might just kill them off!

Continuing along with their study they discovered no correlation between mobile phones and cancer, though they still advise more research into the topic is necessary to gain a better understanding. With that being said you don’t have to keep your phone feet away from you at all times, but when you feel it getting warmer you should probably keep it away from lefty and righty.

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