Cancer Cells Die In 42 Days: This Juice Cured Over 45k People.

By Eddie Levin
Rudolf Brojs from Austria dedicated his whole life to finding the best natural cure for cancer. His all-natural juice has helped over 45,000 cancer people to fight and defeat this fatal disease. According to Brojs, cancer significantly depends on proteins for survival.
As part of his anti-cancer treatment, he also proposed a 42-day eating regimen specially suited for this type of treatment. Along with the juice, which is based on beetroot, the diet plan must also be supported with high intake of tea. The cancer cells starve and therefore die, while your overall health improves during the 42 days of this regimen.
To prepare his special juice you need these organic vegetables:
Beetroot (55%)
Carrots (20%)
Celery root (20%)
Potatoes (3%)
Radishes (2%)


The preparation of the juice is quite simple. Mix all the ingredients until well-blended. You can drink as much of the juice as you can stand, but be careful not to go over the board with it.
Beetroot is one of the most health-beneficial vegetables. It’s high in antioxidants, a wide range of vitamins including C, B1, B2, B6, folic and pantothenic acid, and a plethora of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, and zinc. Beetroot owes its red color to betacyanins or magenta pigments. There’s mounting evidence that finds the medicinal properties of beetroot beneficial for treatment of leukemia and cancer.
To start with, beets are rich in betaine, an amino acid with strong cancer-fighting properties. Betaine is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detox agent. According to research, this potent amino acid can destroy tumor cells.
Beetroot is highly beneficial for the treatment of several types of cancer, including leukemia. A study examining the effects of beetroot on cancer patients revealed that 100% of the subjects responded positively to beet treatment.
Beetroot also provides numerous benefits for pregnant women, especially because it’s high in folic acid. Moreover, it improves liver and gall bladder function, and prevents constipation. It also alleviates headaches, toothaches, dysentery, bone problems, skin issues and menstrual pains. Beetroot should be an indispensable part of every diet due to its amazing health benefits.
The preparation of the juice is quite simple. Mix all the ingredients until well-blended. You can drink as much of the juice as you can stand, but be careful not to go over the board with it.
Beetroot is one of the most health-beneficial vegetables. It’s high in antioxidants, a wide range of vitamins including C, B1, B2, B6, folic and pantothenic acid, and a plethora of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, and zinc. Beetroot owes its red color to betacyanins or magenta pigments. There’s mounting evidence that finds the medicinal properties of beetroot beneficial for treatment of leukemia and cancer.
To start with, beets are rich in betaine, an amino acid with strong cancer-fighting properties. Betaine is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detox agent. According to research, this potent amino acid can destroy tumor cells.
Beetroot is highly beneficial for the treatment of several types of cancer, including leukemia. A study examining the effects of beetroot on cancer patients revealed that 100% of the subjects responded positively to beet treatment.
Beetroot also provides numerous benefits for pregnant women, especially because it’s high in folic acid. Moreover, it improves liver and gall bladder function, and prevents constipation. It also alleviates headaches, toothaches, dysentery, bone problems, skin issues and menstrual pains. Beetroot should be an indispensable part of every diet due to its amazing health benefits.


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