Cardamom supports weight loss and much more

Regardless whether you are trying to lose weight with a crash diet or long-term changes to nutrition and exercise, cardamom can help support your goals. We're talking about that spice from the ginger family that is often used to flavor chai tea and holiday spice cookies. Not only does cardamom support weight loss, it also helps take care of things like exhaustion, bloating, and bad breath.

Get rid of belly fat
Belly fat is actually really dangerous. People who are carrying extra weight around their middle are more likely to suffer from circulatory and cardiac problems. If you eat cardamom, however, you'll have less chance of gaining extra weight in the first place. One study found that rats' glucose tolerance and blood lipid levels improved when the animals were given cardamom. And that even after they had been placed on an extra high-carb, high-fat diet. The rats also stored less fat around their belly after they were given the spice.
It's at least worth trying adding cardamom to your diet if you are battling extra weight around your midsection. Cardamom is also good at getting rid of bloating and uncomfortable full feelings. Not only will you have less belly fat, but your risk of developing a metabolic disorder is also reduced.

Excess water in your body
Water retention and bloating can lead to weight gain in the long run. Cardamom has diuretic properties and can help get rid of excess water being stored in the body. Likewise, the diuretic function of cardamom helps lower blood pressure.
Lower your cholesterol levels
Considering the fat reducing properties of this spice, it should come as no surprise that it can also support healthier cholesterol levels. One study reports that test subjects total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were significantly lowered after adding cardamom to their diets.
Treating stomach and digestive illness
Cardamom is a go-to for healing stomach and digestive problems. The spice contains menthol, which is not only helpful to freshen your breath, but also harms some bacteria that can cause damage to the digestive tract, e.g. E. coli bacteria. Cardamom will help re-balance your healthy gut bacteria and support a cleansing of the intestines.
How to integrate cardamom into your diet
To reap the full benefits of this wonder spice, you'll need to regularly include it in your food and beverages. You can make herbal tea by adding one smashed cardamom pod in with your favorite herbal tea before pouring in hot water. The addition of cardamom to your tea will also give you a boost of energy, lowering feelings of fatigue and overwhelm throughout the day.

You can also add cardamom to most dishes. Just be aware that it is strongest when pressed fresh from the pod.
Cardamom is a wonderful spice that will support you in your quest for a healthy body. It's also rumored to be effective against depression, tension headaches, menstruation discomfort, flu, and urinary incontinence.

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