Loving Boy Helps His Disabled Brother Play On The Playground Swing..I’m In Tears..

In this heartwarming video, one brother helps his handicapped brother onto a playground swing. One day in the afternoon, two brothers were playing in their backyard. The younger brother decides he wants to ride on the playground swing they have in the backyard. As he tries to get on, he runs into the obstacle of getting onto the swing on his own. It is obvious in the video that this boy is handicapped.


Before he gets onto the swing, he is holding onto a stand-assist walker. For those of you unfamiliar with a stand-assist walker, it is a metal stand for people who struggle to walk, because their lower limbs aren’t strong. The stand-assist walker helps them walk around more comfortably and productively. This heartwarming video captures the true essence of “brotherhood”, and what it means to love your siblings.
This will certainly put a smile on your face. Please SHARE this with your friends and family.


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