These unique “broadhead” sabot shotgun shells are devastatingly deadly

When it comes to guns it’s all about finding the right stopping power for the task at hand; it doesn’t matter whether you’re using a weapon for home defense or for hunting, knowing what a particular bullet is capable of beforehand is absolutely necessary – especially for home defense. There’s a little more leniency when you’re out hunting since behind the target is generally nothing but trees and emptiness, but at home you’ve got other homes and buildings to consider as well as your own home and it’s occupants. Say you shoot at an intruder and you miss, does the bullet have enough power to push through the walls and another person? These are things every gun owner should think about, especially when rounds like the Broadhead are coming out!

This monster of a shotgun shell has a little penetrating dart in the center of them, and when test fired these things managed to pierce through a 13″ box filled with sand. Let’s put it this way, most rifle rounds wouldn’t even make it through a box that big.

I can’t imagine what these could possibly be used for outside of breaching purposes which would lead these to see military usage, but you may not see them commercially. Either way these look as though they’d be incredibly fun to shoot for a day, maybe at a dartboard or something.

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