When the trash talking was over, fists started flying and one guy was knocked senseless

If you’re big enough to trash talk some random people you come across out in public then you’re more than big enough to take the consequences that follow – whether they go your way or not. According to reports the men from the video below were nearly involved in some type of accident as the white men in a vehicle nearly hit the African American guy while he was crossing the street. Obviously perturbed at almost being run over the guy ran over to confront the other men, but when he does he comes to find that the two guys don’t see how they did anything wrong and thus… the argument escalates.

Eventually the confrontation gets so heated that the guy dressed in a green shirt and the opposing young man start trading blows, a move he would soon come to regret. It turns out that just because you’re angry doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be able to push through the fight with a win under your belt. Luckily there was another bystander nearby who managed to record most of the event, but ended up turning it off to help the young man.

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According to the man who recorded the video:
“After I stopped filming nobody was doing anything to help dude off the ground so I literally picked this dude up like he was a rag doll and carried him over to one the concrete potters that sit out front of QT’s. He eventually caught his breath and moved on.”
Things probably would have turned out a lot differently had all parties involved been a bit more reasonable than they appear to have been. The only reason I could see that would be a reasonable excuse to fight is if those two guys really weren’t paying any attention to people crossing the road; if that’s the case then they could seriously injure or kill someone if no one points it out to them.

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