If you aren’t convinced by now that the radical terrorists who make up ISIS are some of the most twisted, sick, deplorable beings on the planet — I refuse to call them humans — then you’re either intellectually challenged or a sociopath with absolutely no empathy.

These animals just killed 19 girls for refusing to have sex with them, an act of pure barbarism that should make liberals and feminists furious, yet they aren’t, because you know, Islam is the religion of peace or something.

Seriously, this is sick.

From Daily Mail:

ISIS fanatics have executed 19 women for refusing to have sex with its fighters, a Kurdish official has said.

He claimed the women were being held hostage in Islamic State’s stronghold of Mosul, Iraq, which the terror group seized in June last year.

Meanwhile a UN envoy investigating Islamic State’s vile sex trade has said ‘girls get peddled like barrels of petrol’ and one can be bought by six different men.

She also verified a disturbing ISIS document which suggested the extremists sell the Yazidi and Christian women and children they have abducted, with girls aged just one to nine-years-old fetching the most money.

The sex slaves who somehow escaped Islamic State’s clutches have told of how they were forced to marry fighters who physically and sexually abused them.

It is not known whether the 19 women executed – supposedly just a few days ago – were Yazidis or not.

They were put to death because they refused to ‘participate in the practice of sexual jihad,’ a spokesman for the Kurdish Democratic Party in Mosul told Iraqi News.

I’m at a total loss for words as to why the media is continuing to not call these sickos out seeing as they’re literally treating women like property, carting them around in cages as if they were cattle, and then sexually abusing them.

I mean, here in America feminists blow their lids over the AC in an office building, meanwhile these same morons ignore what’s happening to women in the Middle East at the hands of radical Islam.
What’s up with that?

Why does the media pander so hard to Muslims, going so far as to cover up the atrocious acts these groups participate in on a daily basis?

Do they honestly think if they’re nice enough these crazies will stop being barbarians?

I hate to disappoint all the liberal nuts out there, but their whole religion is built on Jihad, violence, and world dominance. Nothing will ever stop them, and
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