This woman looked in a crate and saw a mistreated dog. What he’s done since she brought him home is just heartwarming. Simply wonderful.

Philadelphia student Kayla Filoon didn't know how much her life would change when she went by the animal shelter where she regularly volunteered as a dog-walker. 
She was walking by the crates when she noticed a new arrival with a nametag that read, "Russ." It was a young pit bull.
Russ sat quietly in his cage and looked at Kayla. She saw immediately how abused and neglected he looked. He had an eye infection, he was coughing, there was an obvious itchy skin condition, and his tail was bleeding from an injury. She took him out into the yard, where he let her lead him on the leash and ate treats from her hand. But what really won Kayla's heart was that right from the start, Russ just wanted to cuddle with her. The instant attachment was mutual.
Kayla came again the next day, this time taking Russ on a real walk outside the shelter. When they took a break, she sat down and right away, he climbed into her lap. Kayla knew she didn't want to give the dog back at the end of the walk. They returned to the shelter where she applied on the spot to adopt Russ. 
They met two weeks ago and Russ hasn't left her side since.
When she works on homework for her university classes, he nestles close to her.
Meanwhile she's been giving him warm soaks with medicine and his skin has visibly recovered.
He's completely devoted to Kayla and it's no different for her.
What a gorgeous, touching team and how great that they found each other. They were clearly meant for one another! 
Source: TodayFacebook, credit:
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