Today it is a large number of people are facing this problem and is most common in younger population – adolescents and women by changing hormone levels.

Pores secrete fats and prevent dehydrated skin, ie they are sebaceous glands. They occur most often genetic and mostly occur on the nose because there are most active glands.

Pores are opened with an oily substance in them that protects the surface of the skin and lubricates. Today there are many products in cosmetics that advertise to be effective in closing and reducing the pores, but they have consisted of chemicals.

Due to this, we will do our best to show you in this article several natural masks that will help your face clean and make your skin cleaner than ever.

These facial treatments need very ordinary natural ingredients that you have in your homes every day and are very effective in cleansing facial acne pores, pimples, and brunettes.

Egg and Lemon

Take an egg and separate the yolk from the white. In the white place, one tablespoon of lemon juice and mix well to get a foam mixture. Apply the mask on previously clean face and leave on for 15 – 20 minutes and afterward remove and wash your face with lukewarm water. This mask will remove dead skin will tighten the skin and help to close the pores.
This face mask places it twice a week and the results after a few treatments will be phenomenal.

Yogurt and salt

In a bowl put 50 ml of yogurt and 3 tablespoons salt. Mix and apply them to the pre-wash your face with water. The blended mixture is applied to the face and massage with circular movements for 5 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water and wipe with a cotton cloth. This treatment of these natural ingredients such as yogurt that will help to increase skin elasticity and salt will cleanse the skin from free radicals. This will help to close the pores and make it once a week.

Honey and yogurt

For this mask takes a small spoonful of honey and a small spoon yogurt. In a bowl place the honey and then in the microwave to warm up a bit so you can better unite with yogurt. When we unite good the components Apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water. The combination of these two ingredients is very effective in cleaning the skin, closing the pores, reduces redness, clean the face of the fat and is good for all skin types because it does not dry.

Honey and cinnamon

For this mask takes two tablespoons of cinnamon, five spoons of honey, one tablespoon nutmeg and juice of one lemon are mixed and applied to the face. After you apply to your face leave on for 30 minutes, maybe even longer because the components are natural. Honey and nutmeg are natural antibiotics that fight inflammatory processes of the skin. Cinnamon is very good for peeling the skin and lemon have antibacterial and antioxidant properties that are good for cleansing the face.This mask can be applied about once a week and the results will be stiffened visibly


Take a carrot and then blend because it contains water inside, put a little flour to thicken the mixture to be able to be applied to the face. When the mixture is well amalgamated applied to the face and left ten minutes to act and then wash with warm water and this you can do every day without a detrimental effect on the skin. Carrots contain large amounts of vitamin A that is very effective in the care of the skin, helps reduce pores and on face scars caused as a consequence of acne.


Avoid cosmetics that can irritate your skin, and we here you enclose several effective masks that will help to narrow of the pores, remove acne and pimples.
This may do it yourself, so try it immediately and surprised by the results!

Source www.healthymagazine365.com
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