Since ancient times different methods have been developed to remove pain, even though there were no treatments with chemical medicine, man managed to overcome these barriers with natural herbal medicine, with exercises, massages, stretching and other methods.
Due to the global growth and the modernization, important methods have been displaced that humanity has always used to cure different diseases. We must always keep in mind where we come from and where we are going.
Facial Reflexology is a technique that helps to improve different ailments in the organs of our body. Each point of the face represents an organ of the body, and its application is based on pressing said points, which are nerve connections located in the face, in order to improve blood flow and release stress.
Steps to perform facial reflexology
The steps are simple, we just have to massage in circular form the points specified in the image, to remove the pain of some specific place. On the other hand, although we do not have pain we can realize the pressure in the points to generate symptomatic relief, is as well as to release the obstructions of energy.
All this process of massage and pressure on these points translate into the release of endorphins. The enforfinas are neurotransmitters that occur in the nervous system. Other benefits we get is the regulation of blood circulation and the improvement of the immune system.
Most impressive of all is that we can eliminate the pain and stress without using any kind of medication, thanks to the endorphins that will be produced in our body naturally.