CA Prison Guards Caught Lying About Brutal Torture and Beheading by Satanist Inmate


He is a self-described satanist with a long history of attacking his cellmates.

Some California prison guards are in hot water after they were found to have lied in their reports after a Satan-worshipping inmate brutally slaughtered his cellmate, according to a state investigation.

On March 9, 2019, 31-year-old inmate Jaime Osuna decapitated his cellmate Luis Romero, 44, and then dissected him in what the Los Angeles Times has described as “one of the most heinous slayings inside the California prison system.” The grisly murder also raises fresh questions about why Romero was assigned to a cell with Osuna, a self-described satanist with a long history of attacking his cellmates.

Osuna had been serving a life sentence for the murder and torture of a woman in 2011, and had never been given a cellmate in the past. Decked out in face tattoos and known for his over-the-top Charles Manson-like antics, Osuna boasted of his love for torturing people and mocked his victim’s family in court.

Romero, an inmate who had spent 27 years in prison for a second-degree murder he was convicted for as a teenager, was assigned to the same cell as Osuna just before he was going to be eligible for parole.

Using a homemade knife, Osuna cut out one of Romero’s eyes, chopped off his finger, removed a portion of his ribs and sliced off a part of a lung before eventually decapitating him. He then manipulated the corpse into a pose and cut the sides of his mouth to resemble a smile. He allegedly used sheets to cover the bars of the cell.

When guards finally discovered the scene, Osuna was wearing a necklace he made from Romero’s body parts.

However, guards reported on the prior night that both men had been alive. The cell was never checked throughout the night, according to a state probe, while two officers falsely reported that Romero was alive at the time when he was being brutally murdered. Two other officers also failed to properly count inmates on the night of the horrific slaying.

The state report adds that the prison’s internal affairs process was shoddy, while officers who lied and witnesses were never interviewed.

Osuna has since been transferred to the psychiatric inpatient program at Salinas Valley State Prison. He has been diagnosed with unspecified schizophrenia spectrum, antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder and has been ruled not competent to stand trial for the brutal murder of Romero.


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