Happy Shelter Dogs Choose Their Christmas Presents


Christmas is almost everyone’s favorite holiday – including dogs.

Season Of Giving

Aside from festive lights and beautiful decors, the Christmas spirit is made more special by exchanging gifts and giving presents.

Check The Tree

When Christmas time comes, one of the first things kids love doing is checking the presents under the Christmas tree. A lot of animal shelters make lovable dogs feel the same excitement during this time of the year.

A Hearty Project

Generous donors and volunteers make it possible for shelters to provide joy to shelter dogs by having them pick out their own toys from an extensive lineup.

Toy Giveaway For Dogs

Just a few days before Christmas, Dogs Trust Ireland took their dogs into a room with hundreds of toys arranged in a long line and encouraged each of them to pick one.

Excitement Overload

During the choosing process, there was a lot of joyful hopping, enthusiastic toy shakes, and frantic indecision among the lovable dogs.

A Lot Of Choices

Most of the dogs seemed overwhelmed at the sight of a lot of toys. They could barely contain their happiness, and their wagging tails show it.

New Friends

With the stuffed toys presented in front of them, a lot of dogs seemed to have immediately found a new “friend” they’d want to take with them wherever they go.

A Very Merry Christmas

Dogs Trust Ireland thanks all the generous donors in a Facebook post. “To all our supporters and everyone who sent a Santa Paws present for the dogs, thank you so much, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas, from all the dogs and the humans at Dogs Trust!”

Source: www.metaspoon.com

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