Man Hears A Voice Start To Whisper After His Wife Left Her Phone On


Note: we are republishing this story amid recent reports of a surge in violent crime and robberies across America during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

A South Florida woman was saved after her husband overheard her being abducted through Bluetooth technology.

Priscilla Cercone had just gotten out of her car when she was approached by an armed man.

“He has a gun pointed at me and he says, 'If you don't do what I say, I'll kill you,'” Cercone told WPLG. Bernard Owens, 21, then forced Cercone to drive him to two ATM machines so she could withdraw money for him.

Cercone’s husband was reportedly on the phone with her via Bluetooth the entire time and was able to call 911. Owens told Cercone to drive to her home after he became unhappy with the amount of money pulled from the ATM machines. When they arrived, police were already there.

“When she gets to the residence, the car is still in drive, the police cars are there with him screaming in the back and (officers) placed him into custody,” Det. Christopher Doyle said. A handgun was recovered, as well as Cercone’s phone and $600 in cash.

“Always carry your phone. Always carry somebody on your ear (on your Bluetooth),” Cercone said through tears. “Wherever you go, tell them where you're going, because sometimes you believe that nobody has to know what you do and nobody has to know where you're going and doing or your decisions in life, but you always need somebody to know where you are.”

Owens was arrested and faced charges of armed robbery and kidnapping. He was previously convicted of armed robbery in 2013.

“Her husband is better than me.. I would have blown his brains all over the front yard.. Can't rehabilitate garbage.. Give him 10 years in the pen. He will come out harder, stronger, angry, and more knowledgeable.. Next time he will kill his victim,” one reader commented on Facebook.

“Wasn't expecting that ending, figured he was going to be killed once they arrived at the house. Maybe theirs was a gun free home,” another wrote.

Amazing save Sir...Thank God your wife is safe,” another added.

“Thug criminals that threaten to kill someone while holding a gun should be executed by electrocution on live TV so other thugs can see what they will get if they threaten anyone’s life,” another reader commented.

Cercone was not injured in the abduction, though she did jump out of her moving car as she pulled up to her home. Owens was ordered to be held in jail without bond.

Sources: WPLG

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