Mom Shares Chilling Video of Son Telling Her About His Past Life


You know when you’re watching a horror movie and the whole thing just gives you the creeps? We're talking the kind of creeps that make it impossible to go to sleep that night because you're so shook up. Recently people online were creeped out by a mom from Texas, who shared a video of her son talking about his death in a previous life. Yup, consider us freaked.

Mom Anna was driving with her son as he told her his story from the back seat.

The video started in the middle of their conversation.

"You were a baby again?" she asked her son. "Mm-hmm, and I did that again,” he told her in the video, which was posted December 18, 2020.

“So you got run over in a past life?" she asked him while looking very, very concerned.

The video cuts to Anna's face looking slightly shaken.

“My son talked for 10 minutes about how he got hit by a car when he was a baby, before he was my baby,” she wrote in the video’s caption. "I'm still not OK."

TBH, we don’t blame her.

“This happens a lot,” she added.

The weird thing is, a lot of commenters had the SAME experience with their own kids.

“My son told me he remembered seeing me from Heaven,” wrote one commenter. “He was 4. He also tells me he has a sister and a brother in Heaven. I’ve had two miscarriages.”

“My daughter used to ask her brother who is 2 years older than her if he remembered when she used to be her mom and he said yes,” another commenter shared.

“100% believe this. My son repeatedly told me he ‘chose me as his mom before coming through the light tunnel,’” a third commenter chimed in.

But of course there were some naysayers.

“Or the baby’s just rambling cuz there y’a know babies," one person argued.

“Time, date, and place or nah," another commenter agreed.

A third commenter put it like this: "TBF the mother is the one telling the story. The kid sounds like it’s just randomly waffling and agreeing with her."

We don’t know if it’s real or not, but one commenter perfectly summed up our feelings: “Y'all are freaking me out.”


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