“Police Academy’s” Larvell Jones has a sound effect for any situation


Actors are multi-talented individuals. In addition to their abilities to portray different characters, some can sing, some can dance, and some can mimic gunfire. This compilation from TV’s “Police Academy” showcases Michael Winslow’s ability to create sound effects using only his body.

The video opens with Michael as the inimitable Larvell Jones and Steve Guttenberg sitting in a police station. As Steve asks Michael why he was arrested, the camera pans to a group of people by the desk. They suddenly drop to the ground as the sound of gunfire echoes throughout the building. As the camera goes back to the two men, it turns out Michael made those sounds, and we start on a journey of clips showcasing his unique talent.

His ability shows that he was more than an actor. He was an artist and a legend for his realistic sound effects that made everyone smile when they realized the source. While on the screen, it is evident that Michael’s purpose is to get people to smile and laugh. Amazingly, his fellow actors were able to stay in character during his antics.

Michael Winslow

One viewer commented that “every workplace needs a Michael Winslow!” One can only imagine sitting down to work to randomly hear inexplicable sounds emanating from your co-worker. It would definitely make most workplaces more interesting.

While most find Michael’s talent funny and impressive, one viewer stated it got annoying. It was a longer video with no transition between scenes. The video was intended as a showcase of the wide range of sounds Michael generated.

Michael Winslow

The magic that Micahel brought to TV and movies is that he is simply himself on screen. A screenwriter could not think up most of what he could do simply by showing up in character.

Other viewers commented that Michael’s sounds made “Police Academy” the classic film it is today. Without his unique contribution to the movie, it could easily have been forgotten as just another film. Now viewers can see clips of Jones and still appreciate the movie decades later.

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