Beautiful Series Of Photos Of Babies Driving Home With A Fed-tube


The photographer whose almost 4-month-old is struggling with feeding wanted to send the message that “feeding is best”. Parents feeding their children L.O. by a step-up tube. No matter how you breastfeed – whether with breast milk, a bottle or, in some cases, a tube – you will never be immune to mama’s sadism. The truth is that there is no one right way to breastfeed, and instead of mantras like “breast is best”, word of mouth that actually “breasts best” has never been more important.

That’s the thinking behind a series of stunning viral photos taken by Anna Stacy Poteet, a photographer based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. “The idea is to bring moms together and show the world that no matter how your baby is fed, whether breast-feeding, formula-feeding, or tube-feeding, you’re feeding,” says Poteet should also be accepted. The mother of a nearly four-month-old said she’s been enjoying feeding her baby lately because her baby “has trouble eating and gaining weight”.

 Get inspired to celebrate mothers and their babies, no matter how they are fed. “I was really a bit worried the night before and commented back to each person asking if they were coming, thinking no one would show up,” she shared. In the end, the three mothers, all with tube-fed babies, made it to the shoot. Brianna Lorenzo is the mother of a 2-year-old son Bellamy, “about the size of an average 1-year-old and considered a developmental failure due to being a picky eater”, Lorenzo said.

He also suffers from allergies and acid reflux, which causes his stomach to hurt after eating. After trying therapeutic foods, calorie drinks and other methods for months, he finally needed a G-tube. In just three weeks, he gained three pounds. He is currently thriving instead of surviving. “Samantha Parsons brings her 5-month-old son Hailey aka ‘Bug’.” She gave birth at full term, but from the beginning had problems with breastfeeding and even had to bottle feed. She didn’t eat properly due to improper swallowing, and milk, soy and coconut allergies, and reflux – failed in a swallowing study.

Then, a case of thrush was severe and ultimately failed to develop, she had to have a nasal cannula inserted. She was fed with a continuous pump into her intestines but not her stomach because she had a history of aspiration. “Parsons explained that her LO had failed the second swallow study, so they are working with Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville to do more testing” to find out “They are also working on feeding methods to encourage her to learn to eat and drink eventually and will add physical therapy to the list. ”

“Our journey has only just begun and we have a long way to go, but she is a fighter,” Parsons said. Lizz Hendrickson and her 6-month-old daughter Katherine, grinning in her ear, also participated in the photo shoot. Hendrickson explains: “Since birth, she has had severe difficulty with swallowing and reflux. “She struggled with constant vomiting, which led to poor weight gain. When she was three months old, doctors placed a feeding tube through her nose, down into her small intestine.

 Katherine was no longer oral food. For the next two months, she was fed at a slower rate of 20 hours a day. Thankfully, L.O. started to gain weight, and soon her care team focused on controlling her reflux and improving her ability to swallow. She is also currently being treated at Vanderbilt. “With an amazing medical team, we’ve made great strides in her health,” Hendrickson said. “Thanks to a surgery called Nissen fundoplication, her reflux is now under control and she has stopped taking all medications.

It was a very stressful surgery with side effects all along. life: some are unable to puke or burp Now she’s grown stronger G-tube and will be mobile before we know it! Her swallowing regurgitation is improving and she would love to be able to eat baby food! She is definitely the happiest baby I know. “Poteet is incredibly grateful to these inspirational tube feeding moms. She notes, ‘My heart goes out to the parents who face this lifestyle on a daily basis and I’m grateful to be able to bring some awareness to this. ”


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