Loving elephants shower their favorite human with affection

 Imagine being the object of affection of three absolutely devoted friends who compete for your attention and love. Now imagine those three friends are four-ton Asian elephants.

Lek and elephants

In this adorable video set to the very fitting Paul Anka song “Put Your Head On My Shoulders,” Lek, a volunteer at the Elephant Nature Park, is showered with affection from her elephant friends.

Elephants Thong Ae and Faa Mai give her hugs with their trunks and full-face kisses as she laughs and tries to keep her balance on the sandy bank of the river.

Lek and elephants

Trying to take selfies with her phone, Lek lies on the riverbank while Faa Mai and Thong Ae stick their trunks in the camera’s view like a pair of insistent toddlers.

They good-naturedly tug on Lek’s shoulders and tuck her in between their two front legs to win her heart. She caresses their wrinkly skin and pays back their love in kind.

Lek and elephants

The touching devotion between Lek and her sweet elephant friends is too adorable not to watch. The antics of the elephants at play will make you laugh aloud.

It is beautiful to watch these precious creatures enjoy their freedom and play without care at Elephant Nature Park, thanks to people like Lek, who dedicate their lives to caring for these majestic creatures

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