Mother-in-law snoops through her things: she "takes revenge" by exposing the woman's toxic behavior


Everyone would like to get along perfectly in love and harmony with their boyfriend's mother, but you are not always so lucky as to find the "perfect mother-in-law". And even if perfection is not required, it is still difficult to have a smooth relationship with the mother of your boyfriend or husband. And as if that weren't enough, some mothers-in-law seem to do their utmost to make difficult situations even more tense.

One girl told on Reddit how her mother-in-law blatantly and openly sneaks into her things when she is invited to stay at the home for a few days. One day, the woman made a comment about a private note she had found in her daughter-in-law's office, and this provoked a reaction of deep anger in the young woman, who immediately concocted a "diabolical" plan to expose this toxic behavior.

via: Reddit

Who wouldn't be uspset if someone was caught rummaging through their personal things? Not because you have something to hide, but because it is a flagrant invasion of privacy. The mother-in-law of the girl who is the subject of this story, seems to love poking her nose into her daughter-in-law's things and private affairs.

But let's take a step back first - the young woman had bought a house 7 years earlier and had been engaged to Al, her current boyfriend, for four years. After four years spent together, the two decided to move in together. This meant that Al slowly started moving his stuff into his girlfriend's house. They both agreed that this house would become their home. The fact is, however, that Al still hadn't brought much of his stuff and 95% of the furniture and things in her house belonged to the young woman. When they invited Al's mother over, she had a bad habit of rummaging through her daughter-in-law's private things. Al didn't seem to care, not even after his girlfriend complained: "she's just helping us with the cleaning" he justified, or, "let her, it's her way of releasing her nervous energy."

The young woman decided, however, that these were feeble excuses and that she could not allow her mother-in-law to carry on with her "toxic" behavior. The straw that broke the camel's back was finally reached when the woman found a post-it that her daughter-in-law had stuck to the computer screen that read: "I'm smart, I'm skilled, and I deserve the best." It was a note that the young woman's psychotherapist had advised her to write before an interview, to boost her confidence, and nothing more. But the mother-in-law interpreted this note as an extreme manifestation of rampant narcissism.

At that point, the young woman came up with a plan with a friend: they wrote a series of post-it notes with absurd and bizarre phrases and then hid them in various corners of the house. All the notes, however, were in places where the mother-in-law would have to go snooping to find them, and if she did, her toxic behavior would be exposed. Everything went as planned: seeing her notes, the mother-in-law was shocked and advised her son to rethink his intent to move in with a person who was clearly "unstable and selfish". When Al confronted his girlfriend on the subject, the young woman justifiably asked: "And just how did you find those notes?", highlighting the fact that the mother-in-law had invaded her privacy to do so. Obviously, the cards were just a joke, but Al was not amused, telling his girlfriend that she had brought hightened tension into the house and placed him in a difficult position with his mother. Now the girl wonders if she was right to play this trick on her mother-in-law. Reddit users have no doubts and they fully agreed and supported her ... what do you think?


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