Exhausted mother of 4 shows users the sorry state of her home after she does not clean it for four days


On social media platforms, the pages of those housewives who dedicate themselves to cleaning their homes seem very popular and, in the end, the result of their cleaning always seems to turn out perfect. It doesn't matter if they have 2, 3, 4 or 5 young children - somehow their homes always looks like something out of a Home & Gardens glossy magazine. Obviously, we know that these are just photos and that most of the clutter that was scattered around the home a little while before has been shrewdly set aside in some corner and out of line of the camera. Light, filters and photo editing then do the rest of the work. And even if we are perfectly aware of these tricks which distort reality and make everything seem perfect, we often end up envying these people who appear to be "perfect". So perhaps this is why the video of a mother with 4 children and a bomb-site of a house has been so successful: users know that it is totally authentic and realistic!

Bri James, also known as "themessymama4" on TikTok, posted videos showing the disastrous state of her messy house, which quickly went viral. She is a mother of 4 children and always has a lot of tiring chores to do at home. She admitted that she can't handle the stress at times and sometimes gives in to her fatigue. In the first video- where she showed her house in a total mess - she says that this is the state of her house after she and her husband have not cleaned up for four days. She is aware that showing those scenes of her will cause a lot of outraged users to write to her and tell her to clean up, but she points out that the house "isn't dirty, it's just a mess". The woman then swears that she will do something to restore order and, in fact, in subsequent videos, she updates her followers on her cleaning process.

Bri's video is quite explicit and leaves one speechless as to how much mess has been created in the house by the family: dishes are piled up in the sink, children's toys are scattered around the living room and various items are cluttering the living room and the kitchen floor. It's not easy to tidy up a house in these conditions, but Bri got busy and, after dedicating an entire day (interspersed with a few breaks), she managed to return her home to order. Even though the tired mum finished cleaning late in night, she did it despite having to look after 4 children who were constantly "in the way". Many positive comments were posted praised her tenacity and endurance, while others attacked her harshly for the state into which had she let her home degrade into. "Social services take children away for much less," some users commented very harshly.

Source: www.wtvideo.com

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