Woman Opens Hospice For Abandoned Dogs So They Can Feel Loved During Their Final Days


Being abandoned is never easy.

Yet, things get even worse when you are an animal and you have no one else to turn to.

Therefore, pet owners need to make sure they are always there for their beloved animals, to comfort them, and give them the love and care they deserve, until their last days.

This is how things should always be, as these animals are members of the family.

Unfortunately, some people see their pets as temporary visitors in their lives, and often abandon them when they are very old, or terminally ill.

These people would never understand how much their companions love them – their humans are their whole life.

This was the reason why a retired nurse named Nicola Coyle has opened up a dog hospice called The Grey Muzzle Canine Hospice. This brave and caring woman decided to take care of abandoned old or terminally ill dogs that have less than 6 months to live.

Her goal is to ensure such abandoned dogs spend their final days living life to the fullest.

She said:

“We’ll only take them in if the vet says they’ve got less than six months to live, so we’re focusing on the end of life care. I think the longest I’ve had one is around one year and the shortest was about two weeks.”

This selfless woman makes sure the dogs are spoiled with love and treated they deserve before their last days walking on the Earth are close to an end.

She even prepared various surprises for them, throws them birthday parties, takes them out for a nice steak dinner, and much more.


Nicola says:

“I don’t know when their birthdays are, so we make sure we throw all of them a birthday party. If they’re well enough, we take them for a day at the seaside, they get fish and chips on the beach and ice cream.”


Yet, every story has an end, and the end here is full of tears. It is never easy to say goodbye.

Nicola says:

“We all get very attached to them, it’s very emotionally intense and we do mourn and grieve for them. We do need to have breaks between them.”

People like Nicola make the world a better place. This woman is determined to help these dogs spend their final days feeling important and loved before departing to Doggy Heaven.

Truly inspiring!

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