Shelter Rescues Cat, Later Realizes It Has A Special Gift For Comforting Other Sick Animals

While this cat named Radamenes looks like a regular cat, he actually has some very special skills. He actually has the special ability to not only comfort other animals, but assist them in recovering from ailments to the point of even bringing them back to full health status!

Initially he was brought in to a shelter in Bydgoszcz, Poland. He was actually on the edge of death. Radamenes suffered from a very critical respiratory infection. The rescuers were not at all hopeful that he would make it.
But miraculously, Radamenes ended up making a full recovery!
Usually the shelter would work to find Radamenes a forever home. But something started to happen. Radamenes proved to be of extreme value at the shelter!
He has since become what they call a “nurse cat” at the animal shelter. His time is now devoted to helping out other animals regain their health. He seems to have a special gift for comforting animals at the shelter who are sick and injured.
He will spend all day cuddling up with sick and recovering animals. He gently eases them with his soft purrs and closeness when they are needing comfort.
Cats indeed are loyal and Radamenes is no exception. He is there for all his animal friends when they are down and nearly out.
We know through studies that the power of touch indeed has a powerful effect when it comes to healing ability.
The sick and injured can heal quicker with the power of closeness and touch.
He not only cuddles, he kisses and hugs his recovering buddies!
This cat has truly been a Godsend at the shelter as animals have been recovering faster and actually surviving illnesses. What an amazing animal!


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