Boy comes back to life and tells mom he met her other kids in heaven

This story is like something you might find on the TV show "Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction". It was never actually included in that show, but the screenwriters couldn't have thought up a better plot if they tried.
In July 1997 Julie Kemp was on her way home from church with her husband, Andy, and her eight-year-old son, Landon, when tragedy struck. The family was involved in a terrible car accident and Julie's husband died. Her son also succumbed to his injuries not just once, but twice!

Their car was so badly damaged in the accident that the paramedics couldn't even tell if there were actually people inside. At first they focused only on Julie, but eventually someone noticed a child's shoe and they began frantically searching through the wreckage. By the time they got to Landon, he appeared to be already dead.

The doctors at the Carolina Medical Center in North Carolina told Julie that her son probably wouldn't survive. His heart actually stopped twice while he was in the clinic, but doctors were able to resuscitate him both times. The decision was finally made to put Landon into an induced coma.
After two weeks in a coma, Landon miraculously woke up. And then came even more good news: doctors were surprised to find no signs of brain damage.
But the story took a very strange turn when Landon told his mother what he had seen during his brief peak into the afterlife. Julie was very nervous about telling her son that his father had died, but apparently she didn't have to. "I saw him in heaven," he told her.
YouTube/ The Official 700 Club
Landon also claimed to have seen his father's friend who had died only a month before Andy. He described the moment like this: "Never one of us said a word to each other. But we were just all standing there."

YouTube/ The Official 700 Club
But the biggest surprise came when Landon looked up at his mother and told her: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, I saw your other two kids."
At first Julie had no idea what he was talking about, but then she realized what he meant. Before Landon was born, Julie had suffered two miscarriages. But she had never told Landon anything about this and there was no way he could have known.
YouTube/ The Official 700 Club
The Kemp family are devout Christians and they strongly believe that Landon's experience was a sign from God. Landon himself believes with all his heart that he was brought back to life to spread the word about his experiences to other people and he's doing just that.

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