Conjoined Twins Finally Separated After 16-Hour Surgery.! Parents Say God Is Their Biggest Hero.!

adon and Anias came into the world and as a testament to their faith, Christian chose biblical names for them. “Jadon which means God has heard. Anias which means God has answered. We gave our worries to God that day,” they share. The twins’ safe arrival into the world was just the beginning of another challenging journey, as health problems started to affect the babies not long after their birth. Both needed to be on oxygen for months and Anias’ breathing got so bad at one point that the McDonalds thought they were going to lose him.
But they pulled through and work began to prepare the way to separation. This included numerous surgeries to slowly reroute the blood flow between their brains, and procedures to stretch the skin so that there would be enough to cover the area of separation. The boys, now aged 13 months, survived the first critical 72 hours after the surgery and although there are some issues – Anias has experienced seizures and Jadon can’t move his left side – the couple is optimistic they will both make a full recovery and go on to live healthy, normal lives.
Despite the risks, the McDonalds never doubted separation was the right choice in order to give the boys the best chance at a normal life. On Facebook, Nicole McDonald, wrote “I saved the biggest hero for last…last but most assuredly not least…and that’s God. I say this with caution because I know that there are many people out there who don’t believe in God. I used to be one of you. This is where I would stop reading and move on with my day. But if I don’t acknowledge Him who has carried us on every step of this journey I would be doing a huge disservice to myself, and to you.”
In the post, McDonald also shared how she felt about the future.
“It’s a bit surreal to sit here and type this,” she added. “I should feel so happy…TWO SEPARATE BABIES!!!…and yet I ache with the uncertainty of the future. I didn’t cry until the surgeon’s left the room. I was barely able to even utter the words ‘thank you’ because of the pit that still sits heavy in my stomach.”


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