They torture this woman in front of an audience. When they shave her head, a chill ran down my spine.

This cosmetics company went to the performance art extreme to get a point across regarding animal testing. Lush decided to stage an epic scene to emphasis their strong stance against animal testing. It went down in central London at their Regent Street store where they recreated the horrific actions which animal testing employs.
Instead of an animal, they used a human.
Today was not the day where you would get your fix of storefront beauty and fragrance. Instead passerbys witnessed what at first seemed like avant garde performance art as a young woman dressed in a nude-colored bodysuit was tied up and gagged. Then she was subjected to torture!
It was performer Jacqueline Traide, a 24-year-old student at Oxford Brookes university, who volunteered for the lead role in this hard-to-stomach performance piece. Indeed her mouth was forced open by steel hooks which were attached to an elastic strap. This was secured behind her head as she was force fed. She restrained, gagged, and basically mirrored the exact practices which are still being used today on animals.
Not done yet. Next are the nasty chemical that go in the eyes. This part is clearly horrifying onlookers. The total performance was a 10-hour piece in which no doubt she had to reach deep and push hard to complete the work.
Next up was the hair shorn process. Yep, animals are subjected to this as monitors and electrodes are attached to their skin.
The suffering was indeed real for Jacqueline and she knew it would be this way. She also know she had it easy. She would get to go home at the end of the day, unlike all the animals who suffer this misery.
Indeed the campaign brought in a bevy of reporters and hordes of onlookers.
While it was banned in Britain in 1998, animal testing for cosmetics remain legal in the U.S. In 2013 the EU even expanded prohibition efforts for animal tested cosmetic products that are imported.
Order a copy of PETA’s Cruelty Free Shopping Guide to find out more about the animal tested products.
Be sure to share this important information and radical performance with friends and family!

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