Meteorologist has newsroom staff in splits with hilarious green screen mishap

 Jennifer McDermed was delivering the weather report just like any other day – when she started to multiply on live television, much to her surprise.


A technical glitch caused the meteorologist’s image to duplicate. She laughed as multiple Jennifers paraded in front of the green screen and waved her arms for a funky effect causing even more laughter.

It’s hard not to giggle along with Jennifer as she puts on a show, making light of the technical difficulties the station was experiencing. She asks the audience how many Jennifers they wanted, cracking herself up.


It’s refreshing to see how easygoing this young woman was despite her workday interruption, and it’s a good reminder to all of us to not take life too seriously.

The clip was even featured on the ‘Today Show’ where Al Roker did a parody of Jennifer’s television mishap while Savannah Guthrie laughed, commenting they could never have too many Als.


No doubt, the technician in charge of Jennifer’s green screen will not be making the same mistake twice. Still, if it happens again, Jennifer will hopefully be prepared with a whole new sketch.

Hopefully, this video brought as big of a smile to your face as the experience did to Jennifer’s and perhaps you can make someone else’s day a bit brighter too by sharing it!

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